A note from the founder…

Having suffered from allergies and other health issues for many years, I started looking more deeply into what might be causing the growing health complaints faced by so many of us today. Mounting medical research is linking this to the huge rise over the last half-century in synthetic and chemical products in our homes, our environment and our food. Once I started living a much more natural and organic lifestyle my health improved dramatically. Since the birth of my first baby in 2016 I have been applying my research efforts to the baby, and subsequently children’s, market. Despite little people being far more susceptible to environmental toxins than us adults, I have been shocked at just how many nasties make their way into those products, and just how well they hide! The good news is that many positive developments are taking place in this field, and so many great new companies are starting to make some wonderful and natural things for our children (check out our Conscious brands directory for our top brand recommendations!). However, there were a number of items which did not meet the standard which I hoped to see for babies and for their planet. Speaking to other parents I realised there was a clear need for more choice, so I started designing and selling what you see here today.

I hope you and your children love what you see!

With love,